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SurePath AI End User Guide
SurePath AI End User Guide

This article helps users understand how to use the SurePath AI Portal

Updated over a week ago

The SurePath AI Portal is your personalized interface for all your Generative AI (GenAI) needs. It gives users access to the latest or company-approved models. Users can use the portal to analyze documents, generate marketing emails, write code, and much more.

Logging into the portal

To access the SurePath AI Portal, the user just needs to go to in their web browser. Depending on the user's login status they will be redirected to different pages:

  • If the user has not logged in before, or if their previous session has expired, they will be taken to This is the authentication page, where the user will need to login.

  • If the user is already logged in, they will be taken directly to the portal without any redirection.

  • In some cases, if the user attempts to access a public service that their organization has configured to redirect to the private portal, they will be automatically sent to the portal which also requires authentication; however, if the user has previously authenticated, they will be sent directly to the portal.

Once the user has successfully authenticated (if required), they will be able to access and use the portal.

First-time welcome message

The first time a user logs into the portal they will be greeted with a welcome message with a customized message from your organization. It may contain instructions or a link to the organization’s generative AI policy. Please read the message and then click Close to use the portal.

Note: This welcome message will reappear if logging in from a new computer, different browser, or after clearing site cookies and/or cache.

Logging out

After logging into the portal, the user’s initials or avatar will appear in the lower left hand corner of the portal. If they wish to logout, the user will be able to click their initials or avatar and then click the Sign Out button.

Navigating the portal

Within the portal, your current session with the private model is always in the larger area on the right side of the screen. On the left side of the screen is an icon drawer. There are 3 options in the drawer, History, Shortcuts, and New Task.


The History icon will display a list of all your sessions within the SurePath UI Portal. Users can click on one of these sessions to bring it to the current session window on the right. This allows users to carry on lines of questions or topics that were previously discussed. When asking a question into the portal, all previous questions and answers within the current session are used as context for the next question. This means that asking questions on similar topics within the same session enables the private model to respond more meaningfully, using the instructions and corrections it was given previously.


Shortcuts are a goal-based set of simple questions that allow users to easily get the best possible responses from a generative AI model. Simply answer the questions presented by the Shortcut and the response will be added to the current session. The default Shortcuts are included in the platform but more can be added. Please have your administrator reach out to SurePath AI for requests on new or modified Shortcuts.

New Task

The New Task button will start a new session and move the current session into the History drawer. It is recommended that users start a new session every time the topic, tone, or purpose of questions to the model changes. This ensures that the user is getting the most relevant outputs. There is no limit to the number of sessions a user can have.

Using the portal

Asking questions in the portal

The current session is always visible in the center and right area of the portal. There is a text input box at the bottom where users can type their questions, also known as prompts. The Get the most from your questions section below will help users understand how to format and build questions for generative AI models, also known as prompt engineering.


Once a user types a question, they can either hit the Send button or simply press the Enter or Return button on their keyboard. This sends the question into the portal for further processing. A progress indicator will appear while the question is being processed. The portal will stream the response as it is produced from the private model.

File Upload

The portal supports uploading text-based files to add as context for questions. Users first need to press the Upload button within the text area. Once the upgrade menu is visible, users can either drag and drop files from their computer or click the menu and use the file browser to select files to upload. Once uploaded, users can ask the portal to analyze, summarize, or perform any number of processes on it.


After a question has been sent to the portal, the user can press the Copy button to put that question into their clipboard to paste into another window or application.


After a question has been sent to the portal, the user can press the Edit button which will place the question into the text area where it can then be edited and resubmitted to the portal.


Once a question is responded to, 3 options appear at the bottom of the response.


The Copy button will put the entire response into the user’s clipboard allowing the user to paste the response into a different application or window as needed.


Because generative AI responses are non-deterministic, in other words, unpredictable, the same question can result in different responses. So if the first response was close to the desired output, one option is to simply ask the same question again by clicking the Regenerate button and see if the response is closer to the desired response.


The Citations button will only show up in situations where an organization has enabled the portal to use their data sources to help augment responses from the portal. The augmentation is called Retrieval Augmented Generation or RAG for short. RAG allows generative AI models to access and use information from external sources that they were not originally trained on. This enables the models to provide more comprehensive and up-to-date responses by combining their existing knowledge with relevant information retrieved from an organization’s data sources. If an organization's data sources are used as part of a response, the Citation button will be available to show the user where that data came from so the user can verify the validity of the response. After clicking the Citation button, the user can then click the link to the actual source of the information that was used to enhance the response.

Get the most from your questions

The process of refining questions to GenAI services like the SurePath AI Portal is called Prompt Engineering. It allows users to get the most out of any GenAI service. The more guidance a user gives, the more likely the user will get their expected output. Here are a few things to consider when using the SurePath AI Portal or any other GenAI service such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or Google Gemini.

  • Be clear and specific: Clearly state what you want the AI to do.

    • Example: Instead of "Tell me about marketing," try "Explain the concept of digital marketing for small businesses."

  • Provide context: Give background information to help the AI understand your request better. This also includes uploading files.

    • Example: "I'm a small business owner new to online advertising. Explain the concept of digital marketing for small businesses, considering my limited budget and technical knowledge."

  • Use examples: Show the AI the kind of response you're looking for.

    • Example: "Explain the concept of digital marketing for small businesses, considering my limited budget and technical knowledge. Include examples like: 1. Social media advertising, 2. Email marketing campaigns. Provide two more examples and briefly explain each."

  • Break complex tasks into steps: For complicated requests, divide them into smaller, manageable parts.

    • Example: "First, define digital marketing for small businesses. Then, list four key strategies, including social media advertising and email marketing. Finally, explain how to measure the success of these strategies."

  • Refine and iterate: If you don't get the desired result, try rephrasing or adding more details to your request.

    • Example: "Define digital marketing for small businesses with limited budgets. List four key strategies, including social media advertising and email marketing. Explain how to implement each strategy with a budget of $500 per month. Finally, describe how to measure the return on investment for each strategy."

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